Friday, May 14, 2010

United We Stand ....

"United We Stand"
May Day Hoax
While marching through the streets,
we Missoula Hoaxers,
dragging our ill gotten gain "Lady Ann Magee II,"
the actual cost of which was $68 million dollars
in the blood, sweat and tears of our community,
I couldn't help feeling justified in protesting the way
cor poor rate america is killing
Missoula's and missoulian's e con of me.
How the drain of dollars and talent and sweat equity
means less than nada to the robber barons...
who are only beholden to their bottom line.
And so, every one of us is together
here, marching and pulling, pulling, pulling...
the same boat we are all in while
main stream media accuses us of
being the hoaxers!
Go figure....
Thanks capan Smurfit!
For showing us the way....

Rick Gold
Missoula, MT
May 14, 2010