Sunday, December 13, 2009

The very real problems with voting in Missoula, Dec 14, 2009

Friday December 4, 2009 in Missoula, Vickie Zeier, Missoula County Clerk & Recorder, released a suprise proposal to shut down 13 voting locations including high youth density locations like the Courthouse downtown and the University Center on campus. Not surprising then that a number of students and one Missoula political group are very concerned and taking action.

It was just, May 31 of 2009, the Missoulian reported that there were: "Long lines forming to cast votes this week." "On Monday in Missoula, the line looked woefully long at the County Courthouse, but moved surprisingly quickly - with a wait of maybe 20 minutes. It's been that way for about a week."

"In Missoula County, late registration and absentee voting also moved to the Motor Vehicles Office in the courthouse, which is designed to accommodate a large flow of people ... That's possible because the courthouse, other than the elections office, is closed on Election Day." "Sheriff's deputies in Missoula County will enforce the 8 p.m. voting deadline at the courthouse and the University Center, which is a busy public spot, Zeier said."

I have been told by one historian, that Missoulians have been voting continuously at our historic County Courthouse since 1870, almost 140 years. And now, because of their popularity, the County Courthouse and the University are to be given the preverbial ax. Why? One answer might be politics. It seems that the "labor saving" "budget busting" voting machines, have continuously increased the bottom line for Vickie Zeier, and that has facilitated "the need" to consolidate voting precincts, but at what cost? Maybe, these voting machines, weren't the panacea that they were touted to be? And, if consolidating the University and County Courthouse precincts into others, disenfranchises (confuses, angers, loses) even one voter (more likely many, many) will it be worth the cost?

Unfortunately, Vickie Zeier, offers only a few words of justification, not a thorough cost benefit analysis of her proposal. Voting, the most basic Montana Constitutional Human Right is a sacred trust for ALL Montanans. Let's hope that our Missoula County Commissioners demand a through explanation before approving this drastic measure.

And what of Montanans Right to Know and Participate - Article ll - Sections 8 & 9. And the Right of Suffrage - Article ll - Section 13?

In Montana, the "right to vote" is guaranteed in Our Constitution. It remains of the utmost importance that Montana's Legislature guard against attempts like Missoula's County Clerk to infringe on our most basic of Human Right to vote.

Under Article IV - SUFFRAGE AND ELECTIONS voting rights are spelled out for "the people."

Section 1. Ballot. All elections by the people ...

Section 3. Elections. The legislature shall provide by law the requirements for residence, registration, absentee voting, and administration of elections. It may provide for a system of poll booth registration, and shall insure the purity of elections and guard against abuses of the electoral process.

Section 5. Result of elections. In all elections held by the people ...

In Montana, the "right to vote" is guaranteed in Our Constitution. It remains of the utmost importance that Montana's Legislature guard against attempts like Missoula's County Clerk to infringe on our most basic of Human Right to vote.

As always, Think about it and I'd like to encourage your comments about this important topic. Please feel free to ask your City Councilor, County Commissioner and/or State Legislator

Rick Gold
Missoula, MT

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